Equity and social justice
The Equity and Social Justice Committee seeks to connect with members to find out the social justice topics that matter most to you, and to connect you with the resources to address them. To that end, we have created an Equity and Social Justice Resource page.
indigenous education |
Ellis, Deborah, and Loriene Roy. Looks like Daylight: Voices of Indigenous Kids. Toronto: Groundwood /House of Anansi, 2013. Print.
King, Thomas. The Back of the Turtle: A Novel. Toronto: Harper Collins, 2014. Print. King, Thomas. The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America. N.p.: Doubleday Canada, 2012. Print. Saul, John Ralston. The Comeback. N.p.: Penguin Random House, 2014. Print. Weatherford, J. McIver. Indian Givers: How Native Americans Transformed the World. New York, NY: Three Rivers, 2010. Print. Wilson, Shawn. Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods. Black Point, N.S.: Fernwood Pub., 2008. Print. Resources Related to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation University of Manitoba. (2023). Truth and reconciliation week. National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. https://nctr.ca/education/trw/ A free educational program for grades 1 – 12 featuring videos and resources in English and French. The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. (2017). Secret path lessons. Lesson Plans. https://www.mbteach.org/mtscms/2017/04/26/secret-path-lesson-plans/ Lesson plans for Early, Middle, and Senior years for the book Secret Path by Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire. The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. (2023). National day for truth & reconciliation lesson plans. Lesson Plans. https://www.mbteach.org/mtscms/2016/09/10/national-day-for-truth-and-reconciliation-lesson-plans This site has many lesson plans and activities to assist students on their journey of learning about Reconciliation. The site also has a short story about Phyllis (Jack) Webstad and the reason for Orange Shirt Day. Legacy of Hope Foundation. (2023). Forgotten: The Métis residential school experience. https://legacyofhope.ca/portfolio-items/forgottenmetis/ This site has videos, podcasts, and information about residential school, the sixties scoop, and Reconciliation. The linked page has information about residential school and the Metis. Ruscito, K. (2023). National truth and reconciliation week. National Film Board of Canada. 2022. ttps://blog.nfb.ca/blog/2022/09/05/edu-national-truth-and-reconciliation-week-2022/?fbclid=PAAabsVwYY8m5ovF8fLZfxoKcEaFe0L0tVqsei33iGy0fJWNCFO4nuOnJO9Hg_aem_AavUeqeL5jxwScEukQC6RgUnbAyGzQSO2ZE7aZwKbcb3IIKUyJNvt5qOR_cO04h3k--mK3cp0m-VxuzDRhpY4Fiq5n32CMu8We1lzrhrTcXc6EoCP29Pvo5fAd7FQ4nowjo While the site has information about National Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022, the “Additional Resources” has some great information, readings, videos, and activities. Resources Related to Science Settee, K. (2021). The lake Winnipeg project. National Film Board of Canada. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=kevin+settee+lake+winnipeg+documentary&&view=detail&mid=FF31B667950D4C936608FF31B667950D4C936608&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dkevin%2Bsettee%2Blake%2Bwinnipeg%2Bdocumentary%26FORM%3DHDRSC4 These links are for documentaries by Kevin Settee. They are excellent resources for the Ecology Unit in grade ten science. Debwendon Inc. (2022). Brokenhead wetlands. https://debwendon.org/ This website introduces the Brokenhead Wetlands and the Interpretive trail. This is great information for the grade ten Ecology Unit and can provide the basis for a field trip to the trail. First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association. (2019). Secondary science first peoples teacher resource guide. https://www.fnesc.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/PUBLICATION-SCIENCE-FIRST-PEOPLES-Secondary-TRG-2019.pdf Secondary Science First Peoples Teacher Resource Guide is published in BC and is a great resource for science for grades 9-12. Resources Related to Inuit Knowledge and Learning Education for Reconciliation: ARPDC. (2019). Inuit part 1: History and culture. Foundational Knowledge: Conversation Guide. https://empoweringthespirit.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Inuit-Part-1-History-and-Culture.pdf This document is a PDF that outlines a short version of the history of Inuit culture, a timeline of colonization, and questions for discussion. The document also has links for finding further information. Canadian Heritage. (2023). Inuit Cultural Online Resource. http://www.icor.inuuqatigiit.ca/ This resource has fantastic videos and podcasts about Inuit culture. The site also has teaching resources for learning Inuktitut, printable activity sheets, and information about the book Through Mala’s Eyes: Life in an Inuit Community. Blondin, G. (2000). Legends and stories from the past: A teaching resource for Dene Kede grades K- 9. Education, Culture, and Employment. https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/sites/ece/files/resources/legends_and_stories_from_the_past_by_george_blondin.pdf This link is to a book by George Blondin, Legends and Stories from the Past: A Teaching Resourc for Dene Kede. The book has twenty-two stories that were passed down to the author. The stories are also organized into thematic units by grade for educators to use. National Geographic. (2019). Keeping the Inuit Way of Life Alive in a Changing World | Short Film Showcase. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYMEoFOZavs This short film features Derrick Pottle. In the film, Pottle discusses his Inuit culture and the importance of being out on the land. It is a short but beautiful film about the North. Legacy of Hope Foundation. (2023). We were so far away: The Inuit experience of residential schools. https://legacyofhope.ca/home/exhibitions/we-were-so-far-away-the-inuit-experience-of-residential-schools/ This site has videos, podcasts, and information about residential school, the sixties scoop, and Reconciliation. The linked page has information about residential school and the Inuit experience. Resources Related to the Métis Rupertsland Institute. (2021). Métis Memories of Residential Schools. Rupertsland Education Community Connection. https://rli.connectedcommunity.org/nipd-20222/mtismemories While from Alberta, this site has some great videos and a link for educators to get Métis Memories of Residential Schools Poster Kit. Gabriel Dumont Institute. (2023). Métis Culture. https://gdins.org/metis-culture/ This website features information about Metis history and culture. The virtual museum link has some amazing photos and information. Louis Riel Institute. (2023). Red River Cart Adventures. Programs. https://www.louisrielinstitute.ca/red-river-cart-adventures This website features weekly educational videos for Métis children and families. Meet Up with Mason is a wonderful series for learners of all ages. Métis Nation of Ontario. (2013). Michif Words. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgbfIWE0yu0AMJRIwukY6lkyPQL-Skxj3 This is a series of videos to that teaches how to say words in Michif. Resources Related to Indigenous Knowledge and Learning Seven Generations Education Institute & the Rainy River District School Board. (2022, July 6). Editable professional development resources. Waking Up Ojibwe. http://generatordev.ca/wakingup/resources/instructors/editablepd/ This site has editable PowerPoint presentations for professional development and a plethora of printable materials for supporting learning. Waking up Ojibwe Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning. (2022). Mamàhtawisiwin: the wonder we are born with- an Indigenous education policy framework. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/iid/docs/mam%C3%A0htawisiwin_en.pdf This framework was developed in collaboration with Elders/Knowledge Keepers, government representatives, and over 100 individuals from across Manitoba. The document has foundational information for educators and excellent learning resources in the Appendix sections. The National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education. (2020). Teaching resource centre. https://www.nccie.ca/teaching-resource-centre/ This site has lesson plans for all levels that include videos and tons of great info! The lessons are organized by subject areas. The lessons are well planned and easy to follow with many videos and teachings by elders embedded in the instruction. The site is a treasure trove of resources for educators. Government of Manitoba. (2020). It’s our time: First Nations education tool kit teacher’s guide (National and Manitoba). Manitoba Education. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/docs/support/its-our-time/full-doc.pdf The Assembly of First Nations developed the It’s Our Time: First Nations Education Tool Kit. The link is to the accompanying teacher’s guide. The kit is organized by clusters that connect to the curriculum for grades 7, 8, and 9. Nipissing University. (2023, March 22). Library resources- Advocacy, activism and cultural reclamation. Truth and Reconciliation Guide. https://nipissingu.libguides.com/c.php?g=726194&p=5207051 This website has information about the TRC, the Indian Act, Treaties, streaming resources and virtual exhibitions. The listed link is to novels and books for reading about activism and cultural reclamation. It has some must reads for educators. |
Anti-homophobia education
Coyote, Ivan E. One in Every Crowd: Stories. Vancouver, BC: Arsenal Pulp, 2012. Print.
Meyer, Elizabeth J., and Annie Pullen-Sansfaçon. Supporting Transgender & Gender Creative Youth: Schools, Families, and Communities in Action. New York: Peter Lang, 2014. Print. Short, Donn. "Don't Be so Gay!": Queers, Bullying, and Making Schools Safe. Toronto: UBC, 2013. Print. Taylor, Catherine, Tracey Peter, Christopher Campbell, Elizabeth J. Meyer, Janice L. Ristock, and Donn Short. The Every Teacher Project on LGBTQ-inclusive Education in Canada's K-12 Schools. Winnipeg: Manitoba Teachers' Society, 2015. Print. |
democratic classrooms |
Biesta, Gert. Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning, and the Politics of Citizenship. Rotterdam: Sense, 2011. Print.
Westheimer, Joel. What Kind of Citizen?: Educating Our Children for the Common Good. New York: Teachers College, 2015. Print. |
Privilege, Oppression and social change |
Building Safe and Inclusive Schools: Partnering with Parents and Guardians. Canada: COPA & OTF, 2015. Print.
Glaze, Avis, Benjamin Ruvin Levin, and Ruth Mattingley. Breaking Barriers Excellence and Equity for All. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2012. Print. Sensoy, Özlem, and Robin J. DiAngelo. Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education. New York: Teachers College, 2012. Print. |
anti-bullying education |
Booth, David, and Larry Swartz. The Bully, the Bullied, the Bystander, the Brave. Markham, ON: Scholastic Canada, 2013. Print.
Land-based education |
Egan, Kieran, Annabella Cant, and Gillian Judson. Wonder-full Education: The Centrality of Wonder in Teaching and Learning across. New York: Routledge, 2015. Print.
intersectional feminism |
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. We Should All Be Feminists. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Beaty, Andrea, and David Roberts. Ada Twist, Scientist. New York: Abrams for Young Readers, 2016. Print. Bunnell, Jacinta, and Julie Novak. Girls Are Not Chicks Coloring Book. Oakland, CA: PM, 2009. Print. |